Claremont Chapter, NSDAR

Claremont, California

Chapter Activities and Projects

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The Claremont Chapter, NSDAR, projects focus on historic preservation, education, and patriotism. We support the National Society's motto of "God, Home, and Country." 


Linda Corvan, Regent, and Allison Evans, Good Citizen Award Committee Chair, present Good Citizen award to 2024 CHS Award winner.


 Chapter members participate in City of Claremont 2024 Memorial Day Observance.



2022 Claremont 4th of July Festival










Helen Renwick bench at Pilgrim Place

The Claremont Chapter, NSDAR, worked with Pilgrim Place, a not-for-profit retirement community in Claremont, to recognize Pamela Helen Goodwin Renwick, a prominent early resident of Claremont. She was a charter member of the Claremont Chapter, NSDAR, which was founded in 1917, and donated land that resulted in the creation of Pilgrim Place. The Claremont Chapter, NSDAR, donated a wrought iron bench with a plaque dedicated to the memory of Pamela Helen Goodwin Renwick to Pilgrim Place. The bench is located in front of the Pilgrim Place administration building. The plaque’s engraving reads:

"Donated in 2011 by the Claremont Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, in memory of Helen Renwick (1845-1930), a charter member of the Claremont Chapter DAR (1917), In honor of her contributions to DAR & to the early development of Pilgrim Place."



National Society Daughters of the American Revolution

California State Society Daughters of the American Revolution